How Westend's Kick and Bass Community Offers a Blueprint for DJs' Financial Success

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, the music industry was thrown into uncertainty. DJs, including Tyler, found themselves looking at empty calendars, with shows and tours canceled. But where many saw a setback, Tyler saw an opportunity.
Owen Colwell
June 29, 2023

As the night fell on the bustling city of New York, the beats of electronic music echoed from the clubs and venues. On stage, surrounded by a mesmerizing play of lights, stood Tyler Morris, known by fans as Westend. A master on the turntables, Tyler was equally gifted with a mind for innovation.

However, when the COVID-19 pandemic hit, the music industry was thrown into uncertainty. DJs, including Tyler, found themselves looking at empty calendars, with shows and tours canceled. But where many saw a setback, Tyler saw an opportunity. He understood that being confined to their homes, DJs across the globe would be yearning to learn, improve, and connect. That's when the seed of Kick and Bass was planted.

Kick and Bass: From a Spark to a Flame

In the midst of the pandemic, Tyler started offering private DJ lessons over Zoom. It was a way for him to connect with other DJs, share his expertise, and yes, make some money during the tough times. Soon, he found himself teaching dozens of DJs every week, ranging from beginners to seasoned performers.

The success of these lessons made him realize that DJs were not just hungry to learn but also for community. There was a need for a platform where DJs could connect, learn, and grow together. So, he expanded his vision, launching a private Discord community that he called Kick and Bass, a monthly membership community dedicated to music and education.

On the first day, 35 people signed up, and Tyler gave each of them personalized feedback on their tracks. Fast forward to now, the community has grown to over 550 members worldwide. They can access resources, seek feedback on their tracks, and engage with each other on various topics.

Tyler found joy not just in teaching, but by also nurturing a vibrant community of DJs. But what's more heartwarming for Tyler isn't the numbers, but the sheer passion these members showcase - holding up Kick and Bass signs at shows and meeting him all around the world.

Interested in hearing the full interview with Avante, Eli, and Westend? Enjoy it here:

Your Turntable to Success: Following Westend's Footsteps

As Westend's Kick and Bass journey illustrates, DJs can think outside the box and create additional revenue streams. Here's how you can follow in his footsteps:

1. Offer Online Lessons

Just as Tyler did, consider offering private lessons. You can start small, perhaps with one-on-one sessions, and as you gain popularity, conduct group classes. This not only earns you income but also helps you build a network within the DJ community.

2. Develop and Sell Courses

Take your online teaching to the next level by developing structured courses. These courses could be on various aspects of DJing, from mastering the art of mixing to understanding the technicalities of DJ gear. Selling these courses can generate a significant income.

3. Create Your Own Community

Inspired by Kick and Bass, why not create your own community? It could be a membership-based forum, a Discord channel, or a Facebook group. The community can serve as a space for knowledge exchange, feedback, and discussions. You can monetize it through membership fees, sponsored content, and collaborations.

4. Dive into Music Production

Consider expanding your skills and venturing into music production. This could lead to opportunities such as selling your tracks, collaborating with other artists, or even scoring for films and games.

In essence, being a DJ is about creating music and experiences that resonate with people. But as Westend and Kick and Bass have shown us, it can also be about teaching, building communities, and exploring new ways to earn a living. The turntables are in your hands. Spin the music, and spin your success story!

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